Report on Category Wise Number of Ration Card in District

Date & Time: 22-02-2025 01:44:59 AM

State: राजस्थान
S.NoDistrictRuralUrbanAnnapurnaAntoydayaBelow Poverty LineState BPLOthersTotal
1. अजमेर 578392 346820 313 19262 49711 22400 833526 925212
2. अलवर 824786 226348 173 20372 65844 22675 942070 1051134
3. बासवाड़ा 521249 32240 628 45023 121235 38410 348193 553489
4. बारां 348011 62677 329 49810 41911 10481 308157 410688
5. बाड़मेर 789222 65002 287 24280 120776 19468 689413 854224
6. भरतपुर 590085 171900 200 14734 57071 13991 675989 761985
7. भीलवाडा 697739 178599 218 28606 95731 31023 720760 876338
8. बीकानेर 472701 246430 370 11708 92325 21054 593674 719131
9. बून्दी 294355 70423 63 12352 35460 11218 305685 364778
10. चित्तौड़गढ़ 421697 100860 210 29047 53725 34930 404645 522557
11. चूरू 439033 183624 287 23096 85487 19081 494706 622657
12. दौसा 390080 59812 94 10508 50068 8152 381070 449892
13. धौलपुर 307208 85992 376 9430 30426 6733 346235 393200
14. डूंगरपुर 401716 25146 306 32655 123843 17965 252093 426862
15. गंगानगर 543315 168929 182 11552 69466 8703 622341 712244
16. हनुमानगढ 431678 121813 249 13883 52090 9647 477622 553491
17. जयपुर 881294 1042443 212 13364 79213 25502 1805446 1923737
18. जैसलमेर 200290 25262 214 6454 23103 6047 189734 225552
19. जालोर 522619 40999 279 22541 70035 15261 455502 563618
20. झालावाड 443705 61447 138 16927 59245 15011 413831 505152
21. झुंझुंनु 529618 139038 205 9230 25372 9608 624241 668656
22. जोधपुर 783240 323476 330 9299 88021 10158 998908 1106716
23. करौली 378227 63152 311 16329 64351 12661 347727 441379
24. कोटा 246268 353470 147 9928 59231 10198 520234 599738
25. नागौर 852450 199836 1032 17420 66997 18950 947887 1052286
26. पाली 584423 146833 111 19435 67898 17483 626329 731256
27. प्रतापगढ 270156 22433 303 14149 61184 16106 200847 292589
28. राजसमन्द 329017 46873 194 19471 49759 13591 292875 375890
29. सवाई माधोपुर 336565 90455 791 15635 42236 16573 351785 427020
30. सीकर 592207 178258 295 8908 39977 9059 712226 770465
31. सिरोही 278205 58659 106 10638 31712 10014 284394 336864
32. टोंक 341865 94995 193 16766 41356 19081 359464 436860
33. उदयपुर 773511 136739 320 56210 206084 45681 601955 910250
  कुल: 16394927 5170983 9466 639022 2220943 566915 18129564 21565910

Disclaimer: The report generated is based on the data fed/entered/supplied from multiple sources by the field functionaries working in workflow based environment. Responsibility of authenticity and accuracy of the data lies at the source of the data. The data as per the report may be correlated with official records.
Anything Contained in this document Would not lead to any legal claim on part of any individual for any purpose.