Report on Category Wise Number of Ration Card in District

Date & Time: 21-11-2024 01:22:21 PM

State: राजस्थान
S.NoDistrictRuralUrbanAnnapurnaAntoydayaBelow Poverty LineState BPLOthersTotal
1. अजमेर 579943 347815 320 19456 50225 22635 835122 927758
2. अलवर 849326 215497 188 20698 67066 22986 953885 1064823
3. बासवाड़ा 507532 32177 630 45001 121376 38436 334266 539709
4. बारां 349078 62947 336 50077 42643 10677 308292 412025
5. बाड़मेर 779854 64799 286 24198 120846 19494 679829 844653
6. भरतपुर 588351 171250 201 14687 57072 13978 673663 759601
7. भीलवाडा 702762 179384 224 28071 97239 31549 725063 882146
8. बीकानेर 469925 245929 375 11736 92396 21061 590286 715854
9. बून्दी 300512 65718 64 12462 35846 11350 306508 366230
10. चित्तौड़गढ़ 422623 100767 214 29113 54184 35261 404618 523390
11. चूरू 440490 183890 292 23272 86366 19300 495150 624380
12. दौसा 398417 52400 94 10565 50441 8213 381504 450817
13. धौलपुर 305969 85792 376 9382 30432 6734 344837 391761
14. डूंगरपुर 399924 25055 310 32504 124194 17995 249976 424979
15. गंगानगर 541164 168509 182 11606 69613 8714 619558 709673
16. हनुमानगढ 429978 121636 253 13953 52199 9668 475541 551614
17. जयपुर 895857 1027095 215 13395 79356 25550 1804436 1922952
18. जैसलमेर 199663 25251 215 6483 23248 6094 188874 224914
19. जालोर 519777 40857 281 22558 70059 15266 452470 560634
20. झालावाड 439814 61328 138 16688 59298 15055 409963 501142
21. झुंझुंनु 527762 138660 206 9240 25405 9599 621972 666422
22. जोधपुर 778176 322841 330 9268 88115 10166 993138 1101017
23. करौली 380176 63085 315 16468 65048 12861 348569 443261
24. कोटा 245534 353107 149 9954 59312 10213 519013 598641
25. नागौर 848522 199334 1034 17437 67016 18958 943411 1047856
26. पाली 583075 146417 113 19520 68070 17514 624275 729492
27. प्रतापगढ 268352 22429 304 14161 61341 16165 198810 290781
28. राजसमन्द 327736 46755 194 19445 49746 13580 291526 374491
29. सवाई माधोपुर 338576 86503 795 15553 42286 16606 349839 425079
30. सीकर 596915 172854 296 8938 40103 9077 711355 769769
31. सिरोही 277198 58606 106 10669 31780 10019 283230 335804
32. टोंक 340202 94505 194 16777 41415 19108 357213 434707
33. उदयपुर 770075 136707 323 56391 206606 45771 597691 906782
  कुल: 16403258 5119899 9553 639726 2230342 569653 18073883 21523157

Disclaimer: The report generated is based on the data fed/entered/supplied from multiple sources by the field functionaries working in workflow based environment. Responsibility of authenticity and accuracy of the data lies at the source of the data. The data as per the report may be correlated with official records.
Anything Contained in this document Would not lead to any legal claim on part of any individual for any purpose.