Report on Category Wise Number of Ration Card in District

Date & Time: 21-12-2024 05:31:52 PM

State: राजस्थान
S.NoDistrictRuralUrbanAnnapurnaAntoydayaBelow Poverty LineState BPLOthersTotal
1. अजमेर 580329 347989 319 19450 50213 22622 835714 928318
2. अलवर 846273 214937 187 20604 66722 22920 950777 1061210
3. बासवाड़ा 508176 32197 629 44973 121240 38405 335126 540373
4. बारां 346128 62557 329 49504 41985 10502 306365 408685
5. बाड़मेर 781208 64823 286 24208 120747 19474 681316 846031
6. भरतपुर 588467 171313 199 14706 57046 13966 673863 759780
7. भीलवाडा 702354 179319 224 28148 97099 31472 724730 881673
8. बीकानेर 470151 246017 370 11707 92325 21053 590713 716168
9. बून्दी 300115 65656 63 12430 35771 11315 306192 365771
10. चित्तौड़गढ़ 422335 100792 213 28971 54209 35054 404680 523127
11. चूरू 437353 183053 287 23097 85468 19071 492483 620406
12. दौसा 394017 54722 94 10487 50037 8148 379973 448739
13. धौलपुर 306096 85821 376 9406 30432 6734 344969 391917
14. डूंगरपुर 399379 25024 306 32533 123848 17965 249751 424403
15. गंगानगर 541583 168543 182 11571 69542 8700 620131 710126
16. हनुमानगढ 430517 121730 253 13965 52208 9667 476154 552247
17. जयपुर 896433 1027318 214 13402 79360 25561 1805214 1923751
18. जैसलमेर 199440 25250 214 6476 23153 6071 188776 224690
19. जालोर 520233 40889 280 22544 70050 15262 452986 561122
20. झालावाड 439820 61335 138 16784 59265 15017 409951 501155
21. झुंझुंनु 528091 138693 206 9238 25384 9600 622356 666784
22. जोधपुर 779089 323022 331 9279 88111 10166 994224 1102111
23. करौली 377977 62963 312 16366 64575 12717 346970 440940
24. कोटा 245435 352995 147 9922 59218 10197 518946 598430
25. नागौर 848908 199496 1033 17429 67010 18950 943982 1048404
26. पाली 583324 146491 113 19481 68009 17509 624703 729815
27. प्रतापगढ 268590 22436 303 14147 61240 16135 199201 291026
28. राजसमन्द 328040 46785 194 19460 49747 13583 291841 374825
29. सवाई माधोपुर 338806 86673 794 15602 42293 16609 350181 425479
30. सीकर 596970 172804 296 8914 40061 9070 711433 769774
31. सिरोही 277409 58576 106 10653 31746 10014 283466 335985
32. टोंक 340557 94595 194 16787 41425 19109 357637 435152
33. उदयपुर 769933 136589 321 56262 206350 45738 597851 906522
  कुल: 16393536 5121403 9513 638506 2225889 568376 18072655 21514939

Disclaimer: The report generated is based on the data fed/entered/supplied from multiple sources by the field functionaries working in workflow based environment. Responsibility of authenticity and accuracy of the data lies at the source of the data. The data as per the report may be correlated with official records.
Anything Contained in this document Would not lead to any legal claim on part of any individual for any purpose.