Report on Category Wise Number of Ration Card in District


Date & Time: 26-04-2024 09:52:00 AM

State: राजस्थान
S.NoDistrictRuralUrbanAnnapurnaAntoydayaBelow Poverty LineState BPLOthersTotal
1. अजमेर 576218 347154 320 19436 50237 22666 830713 923372
2. अलवर 855666 207021 188 20720 67049 23003 951727 1062687
3. बासवाड़ा 502531 32093 630 45034 121593 38494 328873 534624
4. बारां 345555 62772 339 49384 42720 10696 305188 408327
5. बाड़मेर 769654 64448 286 24068 120772 19499 669477 834102
6. भरतपुर 585875 170641 202 14635 56961 13932 670786 756516
7. भीलवाडा 698617 178482 227 27711 97020 31560 720581 877099
8. बीकानेर 466328 244613 379 11739 92384 21054 585385 710941
9. बून्दी 299092 65498 64 12488 35832 11349 304857 364590
10. चित्तौड़गढ़ 425178 97788 213 29189 54286 35339 403939 522966
11. चूरू 438764 183287 293 23337 86544 19343 492534 622051
12. दौसा 399839 49930 94 10547 50422 8210 380496 449769
13. धौलपुर 305457 85409 374 9267 30390 6733 344102 390866
14. डूंगरपुर 397300 24997 306 32120 124252 18008 247611 422297
15. गंगानगर 536811 167817 182 11627 69674 8711 614434 704628
16. हनुमानगढ 425839 121061 253 13966 52232 9668 470781 546900
17. जयपुर 898060 1026477 222 13489 79711 25767 1805348 1924537
18. जैसलमेर 197894 25207 218 6562 23443 6140 186738 223101
19. जालोर 516186 40699 282 22567 70055 15267 448714 556885
20. झालावाड 441864 61697 148 16359 60109 15256 411689 503561
21. झुंझुंनु 524223 138453 207 9206 25390 9601 618272 662676
22. जोधपुर 771447 321664 330 9242 88032 10158 985349 1093111
23. करौली 380394 63109 316 16548 65442 12949 348248 443503
24. कोटा 244030 352359 150 9975 59265 10215 516784 596389
25. नागौर 848496 198943 1041 17494 67429 19056 942419 1047439
26. पाली 579675 145645 114 19538 68028 17505 620135 725320
27. प्रतापगढ 266233 22402 305 14159 61321 16183 196667 288635
28. राजसमन्द 326390 46576 194 19366 49685 13558 290163 372966
29. सवाई माधोपुर 343977 82420 802 15619 42763 16823 350390 426397
30. सीकर 592068 172216 296 8914 40044 9058 705972 764284
31. सिरोही 275289 58325 106 10675 31790 10019 281024 333614
32. टोंक 341727 91030 194 16752 41343 19091 355377 432757
33. उदयपुर 766733 136564 322 56195 206973 45805 594002 903297
  कुल: 16343410 5086797 9597 637928 2233191 570716 17978775 21430207

Disclaimer: The report generated is based on the data fed/entered/supplied from multiple sources by the field functionaries working in workflow based environment. Responsibility of authenticity and accuracy of the data lies at the source of the data. The data as per the report may be correlated with official records.
Anything Contained in this document Would not lead to any legal claim on part of any individual for any purpose.