Report on Category Wise Number of Ration Card in District

Date & Time: 21-01-2025 07:03:29 AM

State: राजस्थान
S.NoDistrictRuralUrbanAnnapurnaAntoydayaBelow Poverty LineState BPLOthersTotal
1. अजमेर 579640 347075 318 19345 49924 22523 834605 926715
2. अलवर 828592 221329 172 20366 65803 22674 940906 1049921
3. बासवाड़ा 509381 32217 629 44990 121220 38412 336347 541598
4. बारां 346330 62595 329 49610 41924 10481 306581 408925
5. बाड़मेर 783726 64909 286 24252 120750 19467 683880 848635
6. भरतपुर 588805 171656 200 14708 57034 13969 674550 760461
7. भीलवाडा 695949 178351 220 28209 95585 31034 719252 874300
8. बीकानेर 470799 246248 370 11707 92319 21051 591600 717047
9. बून्दी 298766 65565 63 12370 35544 11227 305127 364331
10. चित्तौड़गढ़ 420733 100604 210 28947 53681 34936 403563 521337
11. चूरू 437849 183401 287 23098 85471 19078 493316 621250
12. दौसा 394164 54836 94 10499 50032 8149 380226 449000
13. धौलपुर 306273 85908 376 9416 30431 6733 345225 392181
14. डूंगरपुर 399820 25089 306 32614 123788 17953 250248 424909
15. गंगानगर 542088 168722 182 11555 69484 8703 620886 710810
16. हनुमानगढ 430644 121647 249 13870 52082 9650 476440 552291
17. जयपुर 895139 1027616 213 13369 79245 25494 1804434 1922755
18. जैसलमेर 199397 25237 214 6461 23091 6046 188822 224634
19. जालोर 520948 40953 279 22533 70033 15259 453797 561901
20. झालावाड 440511 61398 138 16865 59268 15015 410623 501909
21. झुंझुंनु 528638 138833 205 9230 25372 9601 623063 667471
22. जोधपुर 779780 323213 330 9278 88014 10156 995215 1102993
23. करौली 377261 63014 311 16315 64314 12648 346687 440275
24. कोटा 245760 353138 147 9922 59220 10198 519411 598898
25. नागौर 850268 199574 1032 17425 66983 18946 945456 1049842
26. पाली 583600 146639 112 19449 67936 17492 625250 730239
27. प्रतापगढ 268669 22422 303 14131 61172 16108 199377 291091
28. राजसमन्द 328353 46839 194 19460 49750 13585 292203 375192
29. सवाई माधोपुर 339146 86765 793 15632 42298 16607 350581 425911
30. सीकर 590447 177879 295 8904 39963 9052 710112 768326
31. सिरोही 277830 58647 106 10647 31745 10012 283967 336477
32. टोंक 340679 94898 193 16766 41368 19082 358168 435577
33. उदयपुर 769996 136684 320 56180 206118 45687 598375 906680
  कुल: 16369981 5133901 9476 638123 2220962 567028 18068293 21503882

Disclaimer: The report generated is based on the data fed/entered/supplied from multiple sources by the field functionaries working in workflow based environment. Responsibility of authenticity and accuracy of the data lies at the source of the data. The data as per the report may be correlated with official records.
Anything Contained in this document Would not lead to any legal claim on part of any individual for any purpose.